
  • Social Media Phone Hangout, Monday, Aug. 5 @ 8pm CST

    Not Another Thing on Your To-Do List: Leveraging Social Media to Achieve Your Career Goals, Avoid Burnout, and Expand Your Horizons

    Monday, August 5 | 8:00 pm (CST) During this hangout, the discussion will cover the strengths and applications of different platforms, and how they might be useful at different points in our careers to empower young surgeons to find ways social media can support career goals and make life easier and more enjoyable. This will be an open discussion. Presenters: Heather Logghe, MD, Reno, NV Frances Boulos, MD, Oklahoma City, OK Yewande Alimi, MD, Washington, DC Dial In: 1-888-585-9008 Room: 549-242-585# No need to preregister, just phone in!